New Hangar at Christian Ranch Airport (7XS5)

Building the hangar was an experience into itself. My daughter worked for a company that sold the building kits and she got us a good deal. When it arrived, we couldn't believe that the entire building was on three pallets, even if they did weigh 4,000 pounds each! We were able to get the entire building up in just a little over a week's time thanks to the assistance of many friends. I actually had one friend (Jim) who took a week of vacation to come up and help. Robert and I flew to several airports looking at bi-fold doors. We took the best features of each and designed and built our own. The goal was to keep mice and rattlesnakes out. So far we haven't found any rattlesnakes.

N61JC in front of completed hangar pallets and a forklift
The hangar is a 50' x 100' Quonset The entire building was on three of these pallets!
hangar under construction work gang
Look out if the wind is blowing! Robert, Jim, Joe, and George (J.D. was absent)
completed door mechanism inside of hangar, with no rattlesnakes
Robert checking out completed door Almost full! That's Robert's Cherokee.

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