South-looking view of Christian Ranch Airport (7XS5), 2 miles east of Eldorado, Texas

Aerial view of Christian Ranch and runway

The runway is 18/36 and is 3,000' long. There are powerlines and a fence at the south end and a fence at the north end. The original part of the house (part with steep roof) was built in 1902 by my grandfather (J. B. Christian). He purchased the ranch before the turn of the century. Lumber to build the house was transported from San Angelo (45 miles north) on wagons pulled by oxen. The house has been added to many times over the years. My folks and I moved to the ranch in 1954 when I was 10 years old and I called the ranch house home until I was married in 1967. Judy and I have lived at the ranch since 1995. This picture was taken by Bud Nolen (my college roommate at Texas Tech).

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